週一, 30 十月 2023 02:37

Bite-Sized Learning - A Food Journey-童趣樂園: 食物創意派對

Food is always the topic that makes children's eyes sparkle with delight. This time, for our little ones at Wagor Laicuo, we've woven a colorful culinary journey that will make learning about food an unforgettable adventure.

 From 'Hey, what do foods look like?' to 'How do we pick our ingredients?' and then 'Cook, cook, cook – let's have a taste party,' and finally, an exuberant Food Bazaar that brings out the creative genius in every level.

"食物,永遠都是讓孩子們眼睛最會閃閃發亮的主題” 這次,面對各年級的寶寶們,葳格賴厝編織了一道美食時光的繽紛大餐,讓學習食物不再一成不變。從『咦,食物長什麼樣子啊?』開始,到『咱怎麼選食材啊?』,然後是『煮煮煮,讓味蕾來Party』,最後為大家帶來狂歡的美食集市,每個年級都是滿滿的創意發想。


Just imagine the toddlers of our Baby Level Classes in their classrooms being surrounded by all sorts of food. The teachers transformed themselves into food-hunting adventurers, encouraging students to spot specific colors and foods, putting their keen observation and brainpower to the test – it's like a food-themed treasure hunt! Next, our little chefs in the Junior Level classes embarked on a supermarket adventure, armed with their ready-made grocery lists. They learned to distinguish the freshness of ingredients, simulated the checkout process, and got ready for future supermarket explorations.


Then came the time for our culinary artists in the Middle Level classes! They used various recyclable materials and clay to create a BBQ set, sweet macarons, and even a model of a vegetable market vendor. The students of our Senior Level Classes then discussed how to display these food samples, how to price them, and how to present them. They do all these in preparations for their upcoming Mini Market.


Finally, the day of the Mini Market has come! The children not only got to be 'foodies,' but they also became mini food stall owners! This highly interactive moment allowed our students to engage in fun English conversations, showcased effective communications, and developed essential negotiation skills. Using play money to trade handmade food models isn't just a fun social experience – it also strengthens math skills and communication abilities.


This food journey, from our youngest to our oldest students, was like a grand feast where every dish is a unique masterpiece. From 'Let's savor some delicious food to lift our spirits' to the culmination of the Mini Market, the students were not only introduced to the world of food, they were also able to exercise various skills like social interaction, mathematical reasoning, and creative thinking. I guess you can say it was a culinary party that's full of scrumptious accomplishments!"




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