週五, 25 十一月 2022 06:57

感謝有您 Spreading of Gratitude

This time of year, it is always a perfect time to take a step back to reflect upon the important things that matter.

Thanksgiving is such a special holiday because it is focused on spending time with loved ones and being thankful. As teachers it is essential for us to teach our students about the important values of Thanksgiving, such as thankfulness, gratitude, and family.


This year's Laicuo Thanksgiving event was created especially for our wonderful Uncles, Aunties and Administrative Staff who do so much for the school every day. Whether it is cooking our food, cleaning the school, driving the school bus, taking care of us when we feel sick or get hurt, these wonderful staff members deserve all the praise.


Our amazing students made beautiful cards, and prepared special songs for them and it was a very special and heartwarming celebration. Thank you, Uncles, Aunties and Administrative Staff, for all you do. We love and cherish you. From our Wagor Laicuo Family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.


今年的感恩節,連續兩週活動有家委會 蕭副會長 帶著寶貝們體驗南瓜派製作,濃郁香氣讓校園佈滿感恩氣息下,寶貝們準備了不同以往的驚喜要給特別的人喔。














寶貝不只是將愛帶給身邊的人,更與菲律賓Bahay ni San Jose Orphanage孤兒院合作,發起海外送情活動,邀請孩子一起整理歸類玩具,把閒置的玩具分享給資源短缺、需要幫助的孩子,讓孩子以行動學習到分享愛。