週三, 23 十一月 2022 06:45

Highlights Library-閱來閱有趣

One of the greatest additions to our Senior Curriculum is "Highlights Library". This is a wonderful reading platform our teachers use as a tool to motivate our students to become confident and capable readers.

This platform provides an engaging reading experience to help build self-confidence and a lifelong love of reading, not only inside our classrooms but also at home! It offers thousands of books which our teachers personalize for each class as it supports many interests through stories, videos, rewards and so much more that are also incorporated into our monthly themes! Students can access this platform in the classroom as well as at home or anywhere in the world.


Through this platform our teachers are able to monitor the levels of their students and assign stories as part of the theme. Activities such as "Read-and-Tell" lessons also encourages our students to explore the Library by themselves as homework, and this in turn motivates and trains them to share details with their friends which also contributes to training them for speech presentations.



經驗告訴我們,只有有限的幾本書重複翻閱人們容易膩、感覺無趣。電子圖書館Highlights Library完全可以解決這個問題!裡面有成千上萬各類別的書可以讓孩子們選擇,最重要的是能夠依照程度去挑選相對應的書籍,有時小孩不是不想看書,是真的看不懂啊!能在符合程度的範圍內找到喜歡的主題,孩子當然很樂意去閱讀!


這個平台另外一個很棒的學習動機是閱讀後完成小測驗可以得到徽章,這樣的獎勵方式類似遊戲闖關,讓孩子們都自動自發的想去發掘與閱讀更多Highlights Library上面的書!




發現孩子們閱讀量增加後,對於Reading Comprehension的題型熟悉許多,也能發現在口語上變深變廣!








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