週四, 25 八月 2022 08:06

Paper puppet show-國際珍古德協會─皮影戲

A story about the meaning of love and friendship even in the face of diversity. This is the message that was shared by the Jane Goodall Institute in Taiwan who visited our campus this week.

In a wonderful and magical puppet show, they shared the story of a whale and a bird who were best friends. In Summer they spent all their time together but when the Winter came, it was too cold for them to be together all the time and even though they tried to fit into each other’s worlds, they couldn’t. So, instead of being sad and miserable, they learn to appreciate each other and enjoy the time that they could spend together. They had a true friendship built on the love for one another! The Jane Goodall’s major focus is aimed at growing the world-renowned “Roots & Shoots” Program in Taiwan which is a global community action program founded by Dr. Jane Goodall in 1991. The program aims to inspire, empower and encourage young people all over the world. It shows them how to follow their passions, take action together and become the change our world needs. That way, we can all ensure a better future for people, animals and the environment. Roots & Shoots encourages youths to implement practical positive change by providing teachers and team leaders with free resources and a place to share their success stories with the world. Thank you to Kelly and her team for visiting our campus and for allowing us to share in the magical experience.

本周課程延續了上周的生命教育,由Mr. Honda陪同『國際珍古德協會Jane Goodall Institute Taiwan』,帶來一場愛與關懷的皮影戲。



