週一, 22 八月 2022 08:37

Crazy Critters─小動物狂想曲

Everyone likes to go to the Zoo. But what if the Zoo can actually come to you…. This is exactly what we did this week in an amazing Animal-Workshop hosted by the very famous Mr Mike Honda.

For two very exciting days, Mr Honda, the Science Teacher at Wagor Elementary, Beitun Campus visited our school to teach our students some interesting facts about animals. He showed our students some of the amazing animals he has in his very unique Science Lab by taking the animals he has over there on a fieldtrip to visit our campus. During these workshops, our students learned that animals are not toys and that they should be treated with respect. Mr Honda brought so many different kinds of animals like snakes, spiders, a bearded dragon, different types of lizards, an albino hedgehog and even a cute and fluffy bunny rabbit. Our students not only learned many interesting facts about these animals, but also got an opportunity to touch and hold these animals themselves. WOW, they were so brave! Like Mr Honda said, “Children are our greatest natural resource”. A big thank you to Mr Honda and his “Crazy Critters” for giving us all an amazing experience.



看似巨大恐怖的蟒蛇其實溫馴;八隻腳毛茸茸的蜘蛛其實怕跌跤;溫度冰冷的鬃獅蜥其實很怕生;後腳狂瞪的兔子其實是表示緊張等,與孩子們零距離接觸下,掩不住的開心笑靨,但能冷靜安穩的撫摸動物而不過度興奮,代表孩子們都有把Mr. Honda的話聽進去!



對於Mr. Honda來說,成就感來自於發展、培養和增加他人的幸福感,並尊重每位孩子的成長。每一次的分享,就是在他們心中種下深刻的種子的機會!





感恩我們最愛的大朋友! 來自北屯校區的Mr. Honda! 孩子學會了尊重生命,學會了要終養、不能棄養,讓我們一起大力實踐珍古德博士的理念:『 每一個人都是重要的一份子,每一個人都可以造成改變 』。

