
Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Spaghetti,
Cooking with boiling water, and stir with fresh vegetables,…
Ta-da! Perfect pasta!

Learn to live life beautifully.
Starting in the Zhongming Bakery!

 Monster Haunted House project has taken us many hours included cutting, painting, drilling, gluing, and many other hand skills!

 We needed to drill a hole into our haunted house so I brought a drill that the kids could safely use.

 Don’t worry, I had them wear safety goggles!

 Happy Chinese New Year



2020 Pajamas Party

   In the life of a butterfly, we wait for the butterfly’s wings to dry and fly, and to return it to nature.

  On the day the butterfly was released, the children’s childish words told him to find his parents and friends,

  and they said goodbye to the butterfly when he watched the butterfly fly away.

  The children had a valuable reproductive education in the middle, and they knew how to cherish and cherish living animals.

 2020 Reading Contest has accomplished! We are so proud of all the senior contestants! 

  They have gained their confidence and interests to English reading. 

  When they got back to their classroom after each round of the contest, all they wanted to do is to read more books! 

  Well done kids!

  The legendary secret weapon "Calm Down Bottle" for calming down children

  This magical lightening bottle

  When the child shook this bottle, the chaotically fluttering glitter in the bottle represented our constantly running but overloaded thinking.

  By observing the glitter that settles down slowly in the bottle, it can also help our children to divert their attention to calm and relieve stress.

The annual Halloween which is the most anticipated event to children has come to an end. The school always designs activities carefully in order to let children enjoy and have fun. For curriculum, teachers are very elaborate as well! The class activities, not only let them learned the festival-related vocabularies and sentence patterns, but also understand the origins of Western traditional festivals, as well as the differences between Eastern and Western festivals and similar, so that the children's vision can be more versatile.

The famous story "The Giving Tree" inspires people on the warmth of giving and receiving, loving and being loved.

Wagor International School's Mid-Autumn Festival is to giving warmth and caring for the lonely elderlies.

Taking actual visits to the elderlies' home.

Giving them necessary supplies and comfortable massages, the grandparents all have smiles on their faces.

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