




It has been a wonderful final year. It has been a pleasure watching you grow, learn and achieve.

Getting to this day and watching you move onto the next stage of your life is a great feeling for all of us.

We are so proud of you graduates.

  2020 畢業公演首部曲 - E.T 




Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Spaghetti,
Cooking with boiling water, and stir with fresh vegetables,…
Ta-da! Perfect pasta!

Learn to live life beautifully.
Starting in the Zhongming Bakery!

 Monster Haunted House project has taken us many hours included cutting, painting, drilling, gluing, and many other hand skills!

 We needed to drill a hole into our haunted house so I brought a drill that the kids could safely use.

 Don’t worry, I had them wear safety goggles!

 Happy Chinese New Year



2020 Pajamas Party

第 10 頁,共 12 頁