週五, 25 二月 2022 07:35

Theme Teaching - My Neighborhood - Our Wagor

In our daily lives we are always in need of something, whether it is something to eat, something to help us in our daily life or even just someone to help us when we have an emergency.

 But where could we find these “things” and if we find them, who can show us what to do with it or who to call to help us. These were some of the driving questions our Middle Classes were faced with when our teachers introduced their theme being all about “My Neighborhood”. Firstly, we had a look at different places which subsequently led to the teacher introducing the people that work at these places to help people like us. These people or workers are called “Community Helpers” and we are called the “Community”. We learnt about teachers, the police force, firefighters, doctors, nurses, clerks and even cooks. We even learnt about the tools that are often used in these occupations.


After this introduction, our students took a tour around our campus, visiting different departments and asking the people who work in these departments’ questions about their jobs and the tools they use. Through this activity our students visited the kitchen and spoke to the chef who cooks delicious and healthy meals for us every day. They spoke to the cleaning staff who makes sure that our campus is always kept neat and tidy. They even got to visit the principal and learnt about the wonderful things and work done in the office to make our school run smoothly and providing a good environment for children to learn and grow.


Maybe now we can challenge our students’ families to also observe their surroundings to think, observe, classify, and understand how it is helpful to us. Let’s continue to explore and participate in educational development whilst spending quality time together!




首先,老師讓孩子們認識生活中時常接觸的職業,比如:教師、警察、消防員、醫師、護士、廚師,再分別使用該類職業時常使用的工具讓孩子猜猜看是哪個工作的好夥伴。再連結延伸至我們的日常周遭,老師帶領孩子在校園裡每一層樓巡禮,從捍衛校園整潔的阿姨、每天烹調美味健康餐點的廚房師傅、校園裡的行政人員、甚至是各個年齡層的導師們;謝謝每個人都各司其職,讓葳格賴厝校順利運轉,提供給孩子學習成長的豐沃基地。另外 ,老師也讓孩子們腦力激盪提出對於職業以及工作內容的疑惑並回答,讓孩子們更了解各種職業的不同與重要。



葳格國際學校-賴厝校區幼兒部 Teacher Mika

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