週五, 24 十二月 2021 09:26

All I want for Christmas is to be with Wagor Lai Cuo -在葳格賴厝過聖誕

The children's most anticipated annual Christmas activities at Wagor Lai Cuo began on the first day of December.

This year our approach was a little bit different than usual as we wanted to teach the true meaning of love, gratitude and sharing. We therefore arranged fun activities from December 1st to December 24th such as writing letters to Santa, a giant Christmas Advent Calendar filled with Christmas surprises, an amazing Christmas Maze and special handmade Christmas gifts and crafts.


Under the guidance of teachers, the kids wrote letters to Santa and after dropping the letters into a special mailbox, they could look forward to the coming Christmas. During December, the kids were excited every single day; mostly because of all the surprises they got from the giant Advent Calendar and the Christmas Maze. One could truly hear the children’s laughter all around the school which caused for a very joyful atmosphere.


This year’s Christmas celebrations and new traditions left us all with warm memories of Christmas in our hearts! From our Wagor Family to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!






在導師的引導下,寫著給聖誕公公滿滿的祝福和期待,在孩子投下信箱的那一刻,真心期盼炙熱的祝福聖誕老公公趕快收到。在這些日子中,我們以孩子萌萌的可愛照片精心製作了聖誕水晶球,甜蜜的笑容將伴隨爸比、媽咪度過一個不一樣的聖誕節。 每天期待開箱的倒數,等待禮物拆開那一天,孩子興奮的舞蹈著,歡喜的拆開禮物,『哇!』驚奇臉色不絕於耳。還有拯救聖誕老公公刺激的迷宮活動,孩子運用機智找到迷宮裡的提示,一一破關達成任務!






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