週五, 10 十二月 2021 10:32

Advent Calendar─聖誕倒數日曆

“Jingle bells, Jingle bells, jingle all the way…” It’s that time of the year again…. Its Christmas!
The moment December arrives, one can feel the festive Christmas atmosphere. You can see Christmas trees and decorations and hear Christmas songs everywhere.

Christmas is the most loved holiday by children and people all around the world.

Having conversations about Christmas is always interesting because when teachers ask students about what they do during the holidays and why they like Christmas, students easily answer “We will have a giant Christmas tree, we hang up stockings, and Santa Claus will bring us gifts!”

This year, at Wagor LaiCuo, we wanted to do something extra special for our Christmas event. We made a giant “Advent Calendar” to count down all the days leading up to Christmas. This special gigantic calendar had 24 carboard boxes with numbers on them, each box was assigned to a class and inside this box was a special gift provided by our amazing Parent Committee. Starting from December 1st to December 24th, one lucky class could visit the calendar, complete a task (i.e. sing a song or do a dance) to unlock their box and gain access to the. This activity did not only bring lots of joy to our students, but also created an amazing atmosphere brings not only joy but also a sharing atmosphere to our school, because sharing is caring right? All our students also made some creative Christmas decoration, crafts and snow scenes.

By having these activities, our students learnt the true meaning of this holiday; Christmas is not just about Santa bringing US gifts, but also a time for us to share with others to bring joy and happiness to them! We wish you a Merry Christmas in advance!!




孩子們最喜歡聖誕節了!大家一起討論聖誕節我們要做什麼事情?為什麼喜歡聖誕節?孩子們都熱絡的回答: 要掛聖誕襪、會看到很大的聖誕樹佈置、還有可愛的麋鹿跟聖誕老公公會帶來禮物⋯等等。

今年的聖誕節活動,葳格賴厝準備一個很特別的活動-倒數日曆(advent calendar)要來與孩子一起倒數迎接歡樂的聖誕節!怎麼跟孩子一起進行倒數日曆呢?用心的賴厝團隊做了一個巨型日曆,擁有了24個小窗戶,每個窗戶上都有日期,從12月1日開始,每天打開對應日期的小窗,裡面裝著家委會幫孩子準備的禮物,一直到12月24日,24個小窗戶全部一次打開也就可以快快樂樂地迎接聖誕節的到來了。用這種特別的方式打開聖誕節禮物,都讓孩子們都感到除了期待之外又多了新鮮感,也把這份溫馨帶回家分享。





葳格國際學校-賴厝校區幼兒部Teacher Una



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